Our Team

Welcome to Blogs Overflow, where our team is dedicated to making learning and discovery an enriching experience. Meet the individuals who work tirelessly to bring you engaging content and foster a vibrant online community.

Leadership Team

Founder, CEO & MD

Dinesh Kushwaha is the visionary leader behind Blogs Overflow. With a passion for education and a commitment to innovation, Dinesh has set the course for our platform’s success.

Co-Founder,Co-CEO & MD

As the Co-Founder,Co-CEO & MD, Jyoti Kushwah is the creative force shaping the content and design of our e-learning materials. Beyond the professional realm, she is personally committed to the success of each learner on our platform. She understands the challenges that learners may face and work tirelessly to create an environment where everyone can thrive.

Content Creators

Dinesh Kushwaha

Meet Dinesh Kushwaha (Master’s in Computer Science), 15yrs exp, leading app architect for digital success. He brings his unique perspective to our content, making learning an exciting journey for our users.

Jyoti Kushwaha

Jyoti Kushwaha (PhD in Microbiology) is a 15yrs exp scientist. With a passion for microbiology & online contributions to help community, she crafts lessons that are both informative and engaging.

Technical Team

Technical Team Lead

Heading our technical team is Dinesh Kushwaha. With a background in software architecture & development, He ensure that our website runs seamlessly, providing users with a smooth learning experience.

Web Developer

Dinesh Kushwaha is the mastermind behind the coding and functionality of our website. With expertise in multiple programming languages, he contributes to the technological backbone that supports our educational platform.

Support and Community Team

Customer Support Lead

For any queries or concerns, Jyoti Kushwah is here to help. She lead our dedicated customer support team, ensuring that your experience with [Your Website Name] is always positive.

Community Manager

Building a vibrant community is Jyoti Kushwaha’s expertise. She fosters discussions, organize events, and create a sense of belonging among our users.

At Blogs Overflow, we believe in the power of knowledge and are dedicated to providing you with the best learning experience. Join us on this educational journey!

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