APIs in PHP CI3 -CodeIgniter 3 API Development Tutorial: Learn to Build RESTful APIs

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Blogs Overflow help you to creating APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) in CodeIgniter 3 (CI3) involves defining routes, controllers, and handling data appropriately. Here’s a basic guide to creating APIs in CodeIgniter 3 using RESTful principles:

  1. Install CodeIgniter
    Ensure that you have CodeIgniter 3 installed on your server. You can download it from the official website and follow the installation instructions.
  2. Configure Routes:
    Open the application/config/routes.php file and set up routes for your API. For RESTful APIs, you can use the resources method to map HTTP verbs to controller methods.
$route['api/users']['get'] = 'api/users/index';
$route['api/users/(:num)']['get'] = 'api/users/view/$1';
$route['api/users']['post'] = 'api/users/create';
$route['api/users/(:num)']['put'] = 'api/users/update/$1';
$route['api/users/(:num)']['delete'] = 'api/users/delete/$1';

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