APIs in PHP CI3 -CodeIgniter 3 API Development Tutorial: Learn to Build RESTful APIs

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Blogs Overflow help you to creating APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) in CodeIgniter 3 (CI3) involves defining routes, controllers, and handling data appropriately. Here’s a basic guide to creating APIs in CodeIgniter 3 using RESTful principles:

  1. Install CodeIgniter
    Ensure that you have CodeIgniter 3 installed on your server. You can download it from the official website and follow the installation instructions.
  2. Configure Routes:
    Open the application/config/routes.php file and set up routes for your API. For RESTful APIs, you can use the resources method to map HTTP verbs to controller methods.
$route['api/users']['get'] = 'api/users/index';
$route['api/users/(:num)']['get'] = 'api/users/view/$1';
$route['api/users']['post'] = 'api/users/create';
$route['api/users/(:num)']['put'] = 'api/users/update/$1';
$route['api/users/(:num)']['delete'] = 'api/users/delete/$1';

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The Scrum Guide – Scrum Master Role should and should not do.

Scrum Master Role

Conflicts in the Scrum Master role can arise from various sources, such as differing priorities among team members, communication breakdowns, or resistance to agile principles. Facilitating resolution and promoting collaboration are key responsibilities for Scrum Masters. Common conflicts may involve task prioritization, scope changes, or disagreements on the interpretation of Scrum practices. The Scrum Master plays a crucial role in fostering a positive team environment and addressing conflicts to ensure the smooth functioning of the Scrum team.

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Exploring the Best Programming Languages for Back-End Web Development: Factors, Advantages, and Trends

Exploring the Best Programming Languages for Back-End Web Development Factors, Advantages, and Trends

It’s important to note that the “best” language depends on various factors such as project requirements, team expertise, and specific use cases. Developers often choose languages based on their familiarity, the needs of the project, and the ecosystem surrounding each language. To get the most current and context-specific information, refer to recent surveys and industry reports from reputable sources, as mentioned in the previous response. Keep in mind that preferences and trends can change over time.

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How to add ‘serial’ to existing column in PostgreSQL ?

How to add 'serial' to existing column in PostgreSQL ?

If you want to convert a normal column to a serial column in PostgreSQL, you can follow these general steps. Keep in mind that this process involves creating a new serial column, copying data, and dropping the old column.

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How to copy a table PostgreSQL ?

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To copy a table in PostgreSQL, you can use the CREATE TABLE statement with the AS clause. This allows you to create a new table that is a copy of an existing table. Here’s a basic example:

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